This is my notes from the Junior Pentesting course at TryHackMe. This course takes you through the basics and some advanced topics regarding penetration testing.
Remember to add -sn if you are only interested in host discovery without port-scanning. Omitting -sn will let Nmap default to port-scanning the live hosts.
no DNS lookup
reverse-DNS lookup for all hosts
host discovery only
NMAP Basic Port Scans
Open: indicates that a service is listening on the specified port.
Closed: indicates that no service is listening on the specified port, although the port is accessible. By accessible, we mean that it is reachable and is not blocked by a firewall or other security appliances/programs.
Filtered: means that Nmap cannot determine if the port is open or closed because the port is not accessible. This state is usually due to a firewall preventing Nmap from reaching that port. Nmap’s packets may be blocked from reaching the port; alternatively, the responses are blocked from reaching Nmap’s host.
Unfiltered: means that Nmap cannot determine if the port is open or closed, although the port is accessible. This state is encountered when using an ACK scan -sA.
Open|Filtered: This means that Nmap cannot determine whether the port is open or filtered.
Closed|Filtered: This means that Nmap cannot decide whether a port is closed or filtered.
TCP Flags
URG: Urgent flag indicates that the urgent pointer filed is significant. The urgent pointer indicates that the incoming data is urgent, and that a TCP segment with the URG flag set is processed immediately without consideration of having to wait on previously sent TCP segments.
ACK: Acknowledgement flag indicates that the acknowledgement number is significant. It is used to acknowledge the receipt of a TCP segment.
PSH: Push flag asking TCP to pass the data to the application promptly.
RST: Reset flag is used to reset the connection. Another device, such as a firewall, might send it to tear a TCP connection. This flag is also used when data is sent to a host and there is no service on the receiving end to answer.
SYN: Synchronize flag is used to initiate a TCP 3-way handshake and synchronize sequence numbers with the other host. The sequence number should be set randomly during TCP connection establishment.
FIN: The sender has no more data to send.
paranoid (0)
sneaky (1)
polite (2)
normal (3)
aggressive (4)
insane (5)
Port Scan Type
Example Command
TCP Connect Scan
sudo nmap -sS MACHINE_IP
UDP Scan
sudo nmap -sU MACHINE_IP
These scan types should get you started discovering running TCP and UDP services on a target host.
These scan types rely on setting TCP flags in unexpected ways to prompt ports for a reply. Null, FIN, and Xmas scan provoke a response from closed ports, while Maimon, ACK, and Window scans provoke a response from open and closed ports.
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