Malware Development

Malware Development

Work in Progress Courses SEKTOR7 Institute EvasionEDR By Matt Hand Sources URL Description Category HellShell GitHub repository Penetration Testing Exploit writing tutorial on Exploit Development website Cybersecurity AtlasLdr GitHub repository Malware Analysis Article on obfuscating C2 during Red Team engagement Red Teaming DefenderCheck GitHub repository Security…

AV Evasion 101: Essential Techniques and Concepts

AV Evasion 101: Essential Techniques and Concepts

Source Good tools Malware forums/channels/discord Test payload against AV Defcon – Writing custom backdoor payloads with C# GitHub – mvelazc0/defcon27_csharp_workshop: Writing custom backdoor payloads with C# – Defcon 27 Workshop Step by Step for obfuscating code AV Evasion MindMap – From Start to finish (AV) Anti-Virus – The Hacker Recipes General AV Evasion cheatsheet Check…

Active Directory – Notes, Methodology, Cheatsheet

Active Directory – Notes, Methodology, Cheatsheet

These are my notes from the Active Directory networks at TryHackMe, as well as notes from other sources. Inspo: Work in progress References Matrix Impacket – SecureAuth Name Explanation Tools/attack example Unconstrained delegation Allows a service to delegate user credentials to any service on any computer. Exploiting unconstrained delegation involves accessing services running with SYSTEM…

THM – Windows Privilege Escalation – Part 16

THM – Windows Privilege Escalation – Part 16

This is my notes from the Junior Pentesting course at TryHackMe. This course takes you through the basics and some advanced topics regarding penetration testing. Introduction Privilege escalation will require you to follow a methodology similar to the one given below:  Information Gathering Permissions icacls – Displays or modifies discretionary access control lists (DACLs) on…

THM – Linux Privilege Escalation – Part 15

THM – Linux Privilege Escalation – Part 15

This is my notes from the Junior Pentesting course at TryHackMe. This course takes you through the basics and some advanced topics regarding penetration testing. Linux Privilege escalation checklist Enumeration hostname The hostname command will return the hostname of the target machine. Although this value can easily be changed or have a relatively meaningless string (e.g….

THM – Metasploit Complete Documentation – Part 14

THM – Metasploit Complete Documentation – Part 14

This is my notes from the Junior Pentesting course at TryHackMe. This course takes you through the basics and some advanced topics regarding penetration testing. Metasploit: Introduction The main components of the Metasploit Framework can be summarized as follows; msfconsole: The main command-line interface. Modules: supporting modules such as exploits, scanners, payloads, etc. Tools: Stand-alone…

THM – NMAP Documentation and Commands – Part 13

THM – NMAP Documentation and Commands – Part 13

This is my notes from the Junior Pentesting course at TryHackMe. This course takes you through the basics and some advanced topics regarding penetration testing. NMAP Live Host Discovery Scan Type Example Command ARP Scan sudo nmap -PR -sn MACHINE_IP/24 ICMP Echo Scan sudo nmap -PE -sn MACHINE_IP/24 ICMP Timestamp Scan sudo nmap -PP -sn…

THM – Command Injection – Part 11

THM – Command Injection – Part 11

This is my notes from the Junior Pentesting course at TryHackMe. This course takes you through the basics and some advanced topics regarding penetration testing. What is Command Injection? Command injection is the abuse of an application’s behaviour to execute commands on the operating system, using the same privileges that the application on a device…