HTB – Horizontall CTF

HTB – Horizontall CTF

This was an interesting box where the objective was to use known vulnerabilites to gain access and to root the machine. The initial phase was kind of challenging as the foothold was kind of tricky to aquire. Enumeration The NMAP scan result show us that port 22 and port 80 is open. We can also…

Previse CTF – HTB

Previse CTF – HTB

So this CTF is categorized as easy, but I would actually say that getting foothold was pretty hard. Once inside, its pretty straight forward enumeration and lateral movement if you’ve done enough information gathering. Anyway, as always I like to start with an nmap scan to see what we’re working with. # Nmap 7.92 scan…

Attacktive Directory CTF [Walkthrough] -THM

Attacktive Directory CTF [Walkthrough] -THM This CTF is more “guided and less challenge based”. Its one of the more interesting Windows rooms I’ve tried on THM. Enumeration We start with NMAP scan. # Nmap 7.60 scan initiated Fri Aug 6 12:08:59 2021 as: nmap -sC -sV -oN nmap.result Nmap scan report for ( Host is up (0.00046s…

Mr Robot CTF – THM

Mr Robot CTF – THM This is an interesting CTF where the objective is to find 3 keys. As always we start with the enumeration stage. Enumeration There are 2 ports open and 1 closed. We’ll take a look at the webserver. Interesting website. The commands show us videos and pictures, but nothing that can help us find the…



This is an interesting CTF where, based on the name of this machine, I’ll have to analyze a pcap file and try to get some information out of it. So as always, I start with the enumeration stage. Enumeration From the NMAP scan I see that port 21, 22 and 80 are open. Lets check…

ArcheType CTF – HTB

ArcheType CTF – HTB

Enumeration In the enumeration stage I start off by doing an NMAP scan. There are a couple of interesting ports open, among other things port 445 (SMB) and 1433 (mssql). I’ll run ‘enum4linux’ against the server. The interesting take from that scan was that it dosent require username or password to connect to SMB. We’ll…